The WinCvtGetExportConverterList function retrieves the list of converters that can convert from RTF to a native format.
WINCVT_CVT_LIST* List, // The resulting list of converters.
LPCSTR szClass, // The class to look for (optional.)
LPCSTR szExtension // The extension to look for (optional.)
If the function succeeds, the return value is WINCVT_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is the error code describing the failure. This code can be turned into a human readable string using the WinCvtGetErrorString.
The WinCvtGetExportConverterList function retrieves the list of converters that can convert from RTF to a native format. This list can be filtered by class or extension. If both szClass and szExtension are NULL, all export converters supported by the system will be returned. To install a new converter so that it will be returned by this function, use the WinCvtInstallConverter function. To list converters that support importing (converting from a format to RTF), use the WinCvtGetImportConverterList function.
WinCvt: Requires 0.1.0.
Header: Declared in WinCvt.h.
Import Library: Use WinCvt.lib.
WinCvtFreeConverterList, WinCvtGetFirstClass, WinCvtGetNextClass, WinCvtGetErrorString, WinCvtGetImportConverterList, WinCvtInstallConverter.