
The WinCvtUninstallConverter function removes a converter (a .cvt file) from the registry suitable for removal from disk.

  LPCSTR szConverter, // The path of the converter to uninstall
  BOOL bUserOnly      // If TRUE, install for this user only


The path of the converter to uninstall from the registry. The capabilities of this converter are removed, so the converter may be in any path at the time this function is called.
If this value is TRUE, the converter is uninstalled from the user registry. If this value is FALSE, the converter is uninstalled from the system-wide registry.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is WINCVT_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is the error code describing the failure. This code can be turned into a human readable string using the WinCvtGetErrorString.


The WinCvtUninstallConverter function removes a converter (a .cvt file) from the registry suitable for removal from disk. Once unregistered, it will not be retrieved by the WinCvtGetExportConverterList and/or WinCvtGetImportConverterList functions. To install the converter again, call the WinCvtInstallConverter function.


WinCvt: Requires 0.3.0.
Header: Declared in WinCvt.h.
Import Library: Use WinCvt.lib.

See Also

WinCvtGetErrorString, WinCvtGetExportConverterList, WinCvtGetImportConverterList, WinCvtInstallConverter.